Thursday, August 17, 2017

Lost Control -Well not completely

When I sat at the computer today to write a post, the first thought that came to mind was that I just have too many projects started....I lost Control!

Some items in the photo are just a few steps from completion -- weave in a strand or sew on buttons. Others are half finished and some are really just me designing- make a sample swatch or knitting a shawl as I design it.   There is crochet and knitting in the mix.  Charity and gifts.

And did you notice the lovely bags to hold my projects.
(Thanks Katie and Brenda)

Now I could beat myself up about this situation, but the truth of the matter is I need diversity.   I need to have different skill level projects to meet the needs of knitting know it's best to have a mindless project when you knit at Murphy's Pub.  You understand, just in case a cool beer or Margarita fits the bill that day.   
(as an aside, this has been the hottest summer ever).  

How many projects do you have started?   
I have 9. .  No wait, where is that beautiful chevron scarf with the Spanish Yarn????