The ship docked in South Queensferry, a lovely spot outside Edinburgh. I didn't plan anything for this port. We had no prearranged excursions and although there are yarn shops in this city, I was so full of yarn, "
Yes I said that" and a bit tired. I decided to be a typical tourist and take a ship planned excursion into Edinburgh and I'm so glad I did. I had no clue, it is such an amazing city. The architecture was breathtaking, there is so much history there. Ancient history, centuries old history. Kathy and Lynn were on the bus with me. We visited Princes Street, a major shopping road, beginning at the bottom of the Edinburgh Castle, flowing out to Hollyroodhouse Castle, the Queen's residence while in Scotland. I would love to visit here again. Do museums and pubs and shop and go to a yarn shop..well, another time.
South Queensferry |
Hollyroodhouse- I held the bannisters that Kings and Queens touched!!! |